Our aims, ethos and mission
BYP aims to engage young people age 9-19 living in and around Ashburton in purposeful activity in a safe space they can call their own. Here they can relax, be creative, have fun, make friends, develop interests and skills, talk and discuss, increase self-awareness, take on responsibility, seek advice and support, and increase their understanding of the community around them and their involvement in it.
BYP’s mission is to empower and support children and young people to improve their life opportunities by helping them grow both as individuals and as members of the community.
“Everyone’s welcome, you can be yourself and don’t have to put on an act.”
More about our activities
Curriculum activities at BYP are driven by our members with support from the youth work staff, volunteers and senior helpers. Members regularly meet to voice ideas and express their needs. A member might decide they would like BYP to provide an activity as simple as cooking a meal, baking a cake, or facilitating a group discussion about a current topical issue or interest. It could be more involved such as forming a dance or music group and planning a public performance.
Longer-term project activities could involve more support and guidance from staff, community or experts to learn and carry out a project in an area of interest such as graffiti art or a project highlighting environmental issues. The Youth Work Team evaluates risk and appropriateness of short and long term activities and projects, and some may require raising funds.

Support Us!
Gifts of funding, time, skills, feedback, materials and equipment help keep BYP running to support young people in and around Ashburton.

More about our services
Advice, information, feedback and support to improve young people’s life chances are available during sessions through group and one-to-one discussions and conversations.
Our youth work team members offer a range of education and skills and are trained in safeguarding, first aid and sexual health, including running a C-Card sexual health support service in partnership with the NHS.
We work with a number of youth support services:
VOYC Devon, DYS SPACE and NYA (National Youth Agency)
And we can signpost specialist advice and support, including:
Devon Sexual Health C-Card scheme, Devon MASH and Childline
“I really enjoy cooking, making stuff and listening to my own choice of music.”
More about our facilities
Our building was formerly a branch of MidLand Bank. Ownership was transferred to BYP (a registered charity since April 1999) from the Ashburton Community Development Trust in 2006. The three floors include a mezzanine computer area, and in the back is a small outdoor courtyard recently modified to provide an outdoor social seating area (with support from DSCT, Cllr John Nutley, and Steve Chew who offered welding skills, tools and time).
See our current wish list for skills or items that BYP could use on our Support Us page.
BYP also uses the local recreation ground and Sands Sports Court for outdoor activities, and when funds, transport or offers allow, runs events at other local facilities, such as the Ashburton Swimming Pool and Shallowford Farm.