Latest BYP News

Magic Little Grant Funds Clay Club

Magic Little Grant Funds Clay Club

BYP is delighted to have received £500 for a Saturday Clay Club through Localgiving’s Magic Little Grant Fund. The fund is supported by players of the Postcode Lottery. Throughout November, BYP has been able to open its doors on Saturday mornings for the new Clay...

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Volunteer at BYP

Volunteer at BYP

BYP is recruiting adult session volunteers. If you care about empowering and supporting young people, BYP offers experience as part of a supportive team in a relaxed, lively and creative space. Contact us or stop by one of our sessions to find out more. Several of our...

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Summer swimming

Summer swimming

This summer’s sizzling heat made BYP Swim Sessions a refreshing treat. The three Thursday evening sessions at the local Ashburton Swimming Pool in July were open to all BYP members and were some of the busiest nights of the year. There was a mix of general swimming...

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Lambing experience at Shallowford Farm

Lambing experience at Shallowford Farm

A spring visit to Shallowford Farm on the outskirts of Ashburton gave BYP members a taste of farm life. It was the first time in several years that BYP has had the chance for a trip off site, and for many members it was a first-time visit to a working farm. Suited up,...

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BYP Swim Fest!

BYP Swim Fest!

For two weeks over the school holidays the BYP’s Thursday night session was turned into pool night at the fabulous Ashburton swimming pool. This came about when our members decided that we should hire the Ashburton pool for a swim fest! as a ‘get outdoors and do...

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Dartmoor National Park Supports BYP Re-opening

Dartmoor National Park Supports BYP Re-opening

The Bank Youth Project is open again and spreading the word with support from Dartmoor Coronavirus Community Support. Coronavirus lockdowns have led to BYP having to close its doors for most of the past year. Despite doing outdoor outreach and being open where...

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New Project Administrator for BYP

New Project Administrator for BYP

Lesley Booker has been recruited as the new BYP Administrator following the departure of Saskia Hogbin, who worked for BYP for four years before moving on to a new job in January 2020. Lesley worked for many years in communications, alumni relations and publications...

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The Bank Youth Project needs youth workers, funders, donors, trustee, as well as people to form our extended management group?

Support Us!

Gifts of funding, time, skills, feedback, materials and equipment help keep BYP running to support young people in and around Ashburton.